Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is fact not fiction, for the first time in years.

So Beverage class ended....and I'm so sad. I loved that class, and got an A in it! (: I'm in Nutrition now which is not NEARLY as exciting. I mean, I can't use any butter, heavy cream, and hardly any oil in ANY of the recipes. That's like an insult to the French way of cooking. Not my style. It's not too bad though.

ONLY NINE MORE DAYS TILL I'M BACK IN MASSACHUSETTS! I'm BEYOND excited. I can't wait to go to the movies and watch Top Chef and eat popcorn with Dad, get my nails done and eat at Chipotle with Mom, be INSANE with my closest friends, go into Boston for cupcakes and Mike's Pastry!, visit my favorites at my high school, see my Schmoops and my brother and sister, and just relax and have some normalcy back in my life again. College is a fantastic, crazy ride, and I love it. But nothing compares to home. I'm starting to make a list of everything I want to do (as you can see), so I don't forget to do anything. I can't wait for the COLD even. I miss New England air...and Boston fans. I'm surrounded by Yankee fans.

I watched them win the World Series last week, proudly supporting my team as much as I could...I wore my Sox hat to one of the playoff games and my four Yankee fan friends made me put it in the freezer in order for the game not to be jinxed...I think it still worked though, they lost that game. :)

I'm continuing to meet a lot of people here, especially a lot of guys from a fraternity here, who are all really really awesome and great friends. Really decent guys who are laid back, non judgmental, smart and capable, and easy to relate to and talk to. I'm starting to find a lot of really close groups of friends who I can turn to when I need advice or strength. We're all kind of a support system for each other for when things get tough. You learn so much about yourself here at school, and about how to relate to and live with other people. It's quite humbling actually. I've examined myself so much lately and am really starting to find out who I am and who I want to be.

Love you all, keep the comments coming! I appreciate every one I receive (:


  1. You are a complete treasure. Such a great post! I love you and I miss you and I, too, am counting the days 'til we see you. xoxo^^^^^^^^^^

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Enjoyed reading your blog. I'm sure Mom and Dad are as anxious for you to come home as you are. Pa is still not feeling well with the gout. Hopefully, he's better before we leave here next week. It's wonderful to hear how you're adjusting to school. As I remember back, your Dad, Mike, Kathy and Chris went through similar experiences in their Freshman year. Enjoy the time because it goes too fast.
    Love you a lot,
    Gram and Pa

  3. Hi Liz:
    As T-day approaches, I'm thinking of you and Maggie and James. Love you all and you're on my list when I count my blessings. I'm glad to hear you are adjusting and learning about yourself. Gram is right, enjoy the time because before you know it, you'll be opening your restaurant while James plays his guitar to a packed house and Maggie autographs her latest tome for her fans. Love you, Mama B.

  4. mtv-star liz I will see you this weekend! (and hopefully on tv too!) hahaha

  5. You can call us "maggie and james" instead of "my brother and sister," it's not like the massive readership of this blog doesn't know who we are.

    Also, watch out for the frat boys.

    love you, see you soon --
